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Business Email Request for Meeting Again

Follow-up emails are a cloak-and-dagger weapon. Yet nearly half of sales reps don't follow upwardly at all.

If you practise, y'all'll reap the rewards. Sales reps who follow upwards consistently build ameliorate client relationships, close more deals, and become sales leaders in their company.

Nosotros're all familiar with the art of "circling dorsum" and "only checking in" when y'all never got a reply. But you don't accept a proven follow-up email template, then you hesitate earlier typing.

What can you lot say to get your prospects to write back?

Below are 15 follow-upward e-mail templates to copy and paste correct now to use in your outreach. Included below are existent-life examples, reply/response rates, and guides to writing effective follow-upwardly emails.

Here's what we'll embrace:

  • Why Post-obit Up Matters
  • Follow-Upward Email Templates
  • How Do You Write a Follow-Up E-mail?
  • Planning Your Follow-Up Sequence
  • Optimizing Your Follow-Up Sequence
  • Avoid These Mistakes When Writing a Follow Up
  • Sales Follow Upward Statistics

mail Template library in your inbox Gear up-to-go messaging for the unabridged sales cycle

Why Following Up Matters

Nigh sales professionals know that following upward tin make an incredible difference, turning an email that goes unanswered into a productive conversation that leads to a close.

And however even experienced sales pros still don't do it virtually enough.

The numbers pigment a dour picture. 48% of sales representatives never follow upwards at all. And 44% stop later on the kickoff attempt.

That means just 8% of sales reps are consistently following up with prospects. And if you're among them, yous're putting yourself at an enormous competitive advantage.

sales follow-up email statistics

Afterward all, 80% of sales deals take five or more follow-ups to close. Having a strong follow-up game is essential if yous desire to position yourself among the elevation-performing reps landing nearly of the deals.

So why is it then hard to follow up? It's all virtually mindset.

We don't want to exist annoying. And we all fear rejection. Those fears lead a lot of sales professionals to contact a prospect just once or perhaps send one follow-up. But that's a sure route to a lousy close rate.

Top sales professionals empathise that not hearing back from a prospect is totally normal.

That'southward why being persistent is critical. The best approach is simple: go along following upward on unanswered messages until yous get a response.

If a prospect tells y'all it's non a proficient time, you tin simply reply and inquire what a better time would exist — and follow upward so. And if a prospect does tell yous they're not interested, you can stop post-obit up going forwards.

Following upwardly regularly takes commitment — simply a strong, consequent follow-upwards game will put yous in the elite group of sales reps who close the most deals.

Follow-Up Electronic mail Templates

i. The "Squeamish to Meet You" Follow-Up Email

When yous have a mutual chat with a stranger, information technology'due south safety to presume they'll welcome an email from y'all. So how exercise you lot write the "nice to come across you" email?

(Keyword: mutual)

For a fast follow up, plug this information into a pre-prepare follow up email template:

  1. How you met — Refreshes their memory
  2. A takeaway from your conversation — Shows you were listening
  3. Your ask — Keeps the brawl moving

Here's how to roll it all together:

Subject Line: Cracking to meet you lot at {!Event}

Hi {!Starting time Name},

Information technology was overnice to run across you at {!Occasion where you met}. I loved learning more about {!Something discussed}. I'yard really interested to hear more than about your role as {!Job title} at {!Visitor name}, every bit {!Reason why you're interested}.

If y'all accept time in the coming weeks, let's {!Follow upward action}. I'one thousand generally free on {!Days of the week}, if that works for you?

Looking frontwards to keeping in impact!

Tip: Propose a time equally a starting point, merely keep your request flexible to give them command.

Requite your recipient complete control by inserting a meeting scheduler link into your email that seamlessly integrates with your Outlook or Gmail calendar.

two. The Introduction E-mail

Someone just tapped on the network you're then proud of, asking for an introduction email.

If they did it right, they fabricated it easy for you past sending along all the necessary info.

This ways y'all have a key insight already: the value that they plan to provide.

Below is a short follow up email that gets to the punch quickly:

follow up email template how to ask for an introduction

Hint: Don't forget to CC the person who requested the intro, so they tin can pick up the convo where you go out information technology off.

Copy and paste this follow-up email as a template to customize in seconds:

Hi {!Kickoff Name},

I promise this notation finds y'all well and {!Personal annotation}.

{!Person requesting referral & their relation to you} (CC'd hither) mentioned to me that {!he/she} is looking {!Reason for their asking to yous}. I'm reaching out in hopes that yous can point {!him/her} in the right direction.

As I remember you know, {!What requester'southward visitor does}. {!Value argument — what'southward in information technology for your recipient?}

Quick Favor
Might you be willing to introduce {!Requester's first name} to the correct person who {!Responsibleness} within {!Their Company}? It would be fantastic to {!Requester's end vision}.

Thank you in advance

3. When You Don't Know Who the Determination-Maker Is – Inquire for a Favor

Are you always unsure whether you lot're following up with the correct person?

Your best motility: Ask them to betoken you in the correct direction.

This is a good mode to build rapport and likability. When people provide aid, it helps them feel good virtually themselves and their feeling toward you.

According to the psychology term chosen The Ben Franklin Issue: when we do someone a favor, we like them more than.

Here'southward a follow-up email template for this blazon of situation:

follow-up email template: ask for a favor

Here'due south the template yous can employ today:

Hullo {!First Name},

I've reached out a few times to see if we could conversation well-nigh {!Product/Service} and why I believe our {!Feature/Functionality} is the solution your team is looking for. I realized that yous're probably swamped with emails every solar day, so I'll do you a favor and stop filling upward your inbox.

In return, I'd similar to inquire you a favor, besides. I'chiliad looking to connect with whoever is responsible for {!Part/Responsibilities} at {!Company}. I'chiliad hoping yous'd be able to refer me to them, or, if you are that person, schedule a time for us to come across how {!Product/Service} can benefit your squad?

If yous aren't involved with {!Section}, would you be comfy referring me to the right person?

Thanks for your aid and have a great solar day.

iv. The "Just Left A Voicemail" Follow-Upwards E-mail

How many of your missed calls that get to voicemail are actually missed?

Chances are your prospect could be actively ignoring yous (both your cold calls and cold emails).

Capturing their attending won't be an like shooting fish in a barrel feat — but it's possible if y'all prove there's alignment.

After you lot leave a voicemail message (voicemail and sales telephone call scripts here), send an e-mail to reiterate your value statement.

Like this:

Subject line: Just tried your line / next steps

Hey {!First Proper noun},

I just left you a voicemail but wanted to drop a line by email in case this is more than convenient for you lot.

I'one thousand reaching out because information technology looks similar {!Signal of alignment betwixt their visitor and yours}.

Nosotros're {!Company pitch with value to them — include stat & customer name(s)}.

{!First Name}, I'd beloved to connect almost your specific needs. I too have a suggestion about how you lot can {!Achieve desired result} (with or without usa).

Give me a call up at {!Your phone number} if convenient, or feel free to reply to this email.


5. When You lot're Sent To Someone Else

Sometimes, that account you're chasing turns out to exist a wild goose.

If Recipient 1 bounced you to some other person, keep in mind the context with this new person:


These are the steps to take with your follow up email:

  1. CC the colleague you first emailed to increment your chances of a answer by 12%.
  2. Ask yourself, what pain point does my company solve? How exactly does it solve it?
  3. Turn this into a problem-solution specific to your recipient'southward role in his/her org.

And remember, do your homework by visiting their company site and social media to get in even more personable.

Here's a template that one of our sales consultants uses regularly:

follow up email template sample

Save this follow-upwardly email as a template:

How-do-you-do {!FirstName},

I just spoke with {!Person} over the phone who pointed me your direction.

I reached out to {!Person} because I noticed that your {!Department} squad is {!Pained situation}, which we hear is a major claiming {!Why/how it's challenging}.

{!My Company} would automatically {!Paint the solution}. {!Person} suggested we have a conversation.

Could yous and I adapt 15 minutes this calendar week to explore how {!Your Visitor} could leverage {!My Company}?

Pro tip: Try adding a testimonial link to your e-mail signature. Social proof makes your company more compelling, and hyperlinks let you track clicks.

Similar this:

Watch a short video to see how Acquia closes more deals, faster with Yesware.

Here are 17 other A/B testing ideas for your emails to offset getting more replies.

6. When You've Just Had a Coming together – Go on Calculation Value

Lucky you lot — whoever you're emailing is invested in your relationship. They just spent their time meeting with you, and they're probably going to read your follow-up.

But how tin can y'all go beyond opens and increase replies?

Do the work for them. Epitomize everything then all they do is confirm that i) they received your email, and 2) your summary is accurate.

This is a sales meeting follow-upward template that our squad has great success with:

Hey {!Visitor Name} team,

Great meeting with y'all today — thank you for your time and having us {!come by the role/share in a give-and-take}. Expect forward to reconvening on {!Agreed upon date}. Split calendar invite to follow shortly for that.

Quick Question

Can you delight answer to confirm I recapped our discussion accurately and if I missed anything?

Your Electric current Initiatives / Priorities / Goals:

  • {!Priority 1}
  • {!Priority 2}
  • {!Priority three}

Evaluation Success Criteria:

  • {!Mensurate ane}
  • {!Measure ii}

How {!My Company} Can Help:

  • {!Beginning Benefit + End Pic}
  • {!2nd Benefit + Stop Film}
  • {!Third Benefit + End Picture}

Agreed Upon Adjacent Steps / Activity Item Owners / Dates & Times:

  • {!Commencement Action + Date} — {!Owner i}
  • {!Second Activity + Date} — {!Owner 2}
  • {!Third Activeness + Appointment} — {!Owner three}

7. Some other Follow-Up E-mail Template for Calculation Value

Here's another follow-up email example for adding value correct subsequently a sales call.

This follow-upwards electronic mail thanks the recipient for their fourth dimension and quickly recaps the call.

The template beneath has a 51% reply charge per unit.

follow-up email template: adding value

Copy and paste the follow-upwardly email template here:

Hullo {!Commencement Name},

Great speaking with you today, {!Name(s)}! I'g so glad nosotros concord {!Product/Solution} is the best fit for your squad.

Here are the top value adds that we discussed:

  • {!Value}
  • {!Value}

Helpful resources:

  • {!Resource}
  • {!Resource}

Action items:

  • {!Action Item}
  • {!Action Item}

Let me know if you lot have whatever other questions or if your timeline changes.

P.S. – you can check out {insert video link} to see how other companies are using {!Product/Solution} to {!do good/consequence}.

18 Proven Email Templates for Sales 18 Proven Email Templates for Sales Winning email templates for cold outreach, follow-ups, and nurturing relationships – backed by information and real-globe examples.

8. When You Just Left Your Interview

You simply walked out of a dandy interview and you desire to ready yourself up for success.

How do you balance being polite with standing out from the rest of the candidates for the chore?

Easy: have the extra 60 seconds to personalize your thanks to each person.

Ii things to think here:

  1. Whoever y'all talked to has a busy schedule. They spent their valuable time on your interview; show them it wasn't wasted. Generic emails are devil-may-care and imply that you aren't invested in the opportunity.
  2. The individuals you interviewed with are all colleagues, which ways they talk. Don't be the interviewee who blasts the same give thanks-you email to anybody.

How to write a follow-upwards email after your interview:

Personalize your email in three ways to show you were listening and you're invested:

Paragraph 1 — Recap i point of give-and-take from your conversation

Paragraph 2 — Refer to their squad's relationship with your team to-be

Paragraph three — Mention a item that the interviewer disclosed to you

What your electronic mail should look like

Here's the follow-upward electronic mail I sent to a sales manager I met with when I was interviewing here at Yesware:

follow up email template what to send after your interview

Because I took the time to send a heartfelt thank-yous, I won a reply and a returned sentiment:

follow up response

Hither's a copy of this e-mail template:

Hullo {Get-go Proper noun!},

Thank y'all for sitting down with me {!This morn/yesterday} to discuss {!Company}, your role on the {!Department} squad, and what you are looking for from a {!Role}. I love how {!Element of company civilization or part responsibilities that yous discussed}.

It was then nice to hear well-nigh {!Something that aligns with your passions}. A team dynamic like this is something that I am very passionate well-nigh!

I also appreciate your disclosure about {!Another point of word}. I'm glad to know that you feel that {!Company} {!Something nigh confidence in company}.

Thank you over again, {!Commencement Name}, and I promise y'all again soon!


nine. When They're By Due Payment (And You're In Collections)

Make an uncomfortable situation easier with a proven collection letter template.

Here'due south how to go on your email understanding merely forceful:

Subject Line: Are y'all there, {!Starting time Name}? Dropping a line

Hello {!Offset Name},

I promise this note finds you well. I want to follow up on an invoice I emailed on {!Date}. I oasis't received the payment yet, so I wanted to ensure the email isn't lost somewhere in depths of cyberspace. Would you please cheque to encounter if the accounts payable department has received it? I'll be happy to resend if necessary. Otherwise, I look forward to receiving payment within a calendar week.

I really appreciate your aid! Thanks!

10. When Y'all Get a Second Shot at Your PR Pitch

Your first pitch didn't win over the editor or reporter.

Time to up your game.

Here's how to sell it: Keep your follow-upward e-mail shorter than your first one. Journalists spend less than ane infinitesimal reading what yous've sent them. They prefer bullet-form facts.

  • Know their shell — are yous reaching out to the best person? If not, identify who is and utilise a free tool to find their email.
  • No buzzwords allowed; merely include the facts.
  • Offer an exclusive.

Beneath is an instance of the showtime email that I sent to FastCompany (followed by my follow-upwards):

follow up email template what to send for pr pitch

Email tracking revealed that my email was opened, but I didn't go a reply. So here's the follow-upwardly email I sent three days later:


My shorter, bulleted follow-upwardly e-mail won the reply and placement in Fast Company.

Re-create this template to re-use:

Hello {!Commencement Name},

I know you lot're busy and then I wanted to reach back out about my earlier asking — have you had a risk to review the {!What you sent over} that I sent over {!When you sent it}?

{!i judgement summarizing what you accept is new, comprehensive, or groundbreaking}

  • {!Finding ane}
  • {!Finding ii}
  • {!Finding iii}

And more than… Reattaching the {!Report or other source of further info}.

Thanks for your time and looking forward to your feedback,

11. The Best Follow-Up E-mail Template For An Inbound Lead

Are you lot charged with reaching out to people who download your company's marketing content? Simply because someone read something doesn't mean they want to talk to sales (yet).

This is why yous need to nurture them. How? Provide new value that shows them why you're worth their time.

Our sales team achieves a 34% answer rate by following up with people who downloaded our recent ebook. Hither's an example of an email template that'southward been filled out:

the best follow up email template for an inbound lead

Copy this example as a template:

How-do-you-do {!Start Name},

I noticed you got a gamble to take a look at some of our content, specifically the piece {!Title of content}. I hope you found some value there!

{!Question triggering pain point}?Information technology'due south a reality in {!Their field} today, and the reason why {!How your company aligns}. I would dearest to {!action you're looking for} {!what information technology accomplishes for them}. {!Statement that shows your differentiation}.

{!Start name}, exercise y'all have {!corporeality of fourth dimension} free on {!Twenty-four hour period} {!time of twenty-four hour period}?

12. How to Send a Follow-Up E-mail After No Response

Waiting for an reply from a friend, colleague, or vendor? Here'due south your reality:


Below is a follow-upward email template to ship later no response.  This exact email won me a 25% respond. Employ it as a starting point or copy and paste the text directly here.

how to send a follow up email after no response

Here's what to include in your follow up afterwards no response:

  1. Restate the context of the original email and the value to them.
  2. Include your explicit ask.
  3. More data: Any additional resource for them to review.

Hither's a template and then you can re-utilize this follow-up email:

Hi {!First Name},

In instance you lot missed my e-mail {!week/day y'all sent it}, {!restate why yous're reaching out}. {!Value argument specific to recipient}.

My ask for you:

  • {!First part of ask}
  • {!2d function of ask}

{!Any boosted information}.

Looking forward to your respond,

13. When They Asked You to Circumvolve Back Later

What's your start reaction when your alarm goes off in the morning time?

Snooze — it's how we procrastinate dealing with sales outreach, too.

Instead of taking a coming together or committing to a contract, we say, "permit's check back next quarter."

If you're the salesperson circumvoluted, you need to deliver tangible, relevant information.

Here'southward a good follow upwardly email that I received after going through a demo (names changed):

circle back follow up email template example

A couple of things to annotation here:

  1. Gary uses leaves the discipline line empty; this is a tactic proven to increase opens.
  2. The case study note delivers fast value with a brand proper name & a success metric.
  3. The email signature includes a UTM-tagged ebook offer. This does two things. It nurtures prospects and it provides marketing with engagement information.

Catch the follow-up email template here:

Hi {!First Name},

I know we're still in a belongings blueprint, but I wanted to send over a customer example study that speaks to how {!Customer Name} leveraged {!Product/Service} to {!What they accomplished — Hard METRIC}.

What sort of timelines practise you think we're looking at to pick this support?


Pro tip: Schedule your follow-up email at present to send later. Then, use tools like Google Alerts to monitor for trigger events that can help you go your human foot in the door sooner. (Yous can ever abolish your scheduled electronic mail if yous discover more than opportune timing sooner).

14. The "Break Upward" Follow-Upward Email

You've been nurturing a ghost with a drip campaign, and it's fourth dimension to allow him or her go. (The good news is you can automate the whole process so you don't have to sit there with tissues).

Not sure how to say good day?

Here'southward a follow-upwards e-mail template that our sales team has constitute works best for break up emails:

follow up email template the breakup

Make this template your own [re-create, paste, customize]:

Hi {!Get-go Proper noun},

I've been reaching out because I encounter a slap-up opportunity for your team to {!Outcome 1}, {!Result 2}, and {!Result 3}.

Hate to be a carp, then I'll plan on reconnecting in a few months, unless you tell me you're ready to evaluate sooner. If you were interested in getting your team on a pilot period to try united states out, I could aid fix that up as well.

In the meantime, I'll definitely keep an eye out for {!Your company} news!

Thanks for your fourth dimension.

Biggest takeaways: Nosotros dislike potential loss more we enjoy the potential proceeds. This is why it's worth telling them you're walking away — especially if yous want them to take action.

The combination of loss aversion and personalization is powerful. It drives a 33% answer rate on bear on plans where this is the fifth touch.

15. Following Up After a Networking Event

If you've connected with a prospect at a networking consequence, sending a thoughtful follow-upward email is essential. It's the departure between being forgotten by your contact and striking upwards a long-term professional human relationship.

When yous follow up after a networking upshot, focusing on personalization is disquisitional. After all, the thought is to build a strong relationship with your contact.

Accept this template as a starting signal:

How-do-you-do {!Commencement Name},

It was bully connecting with y'all at {!Upshot} on {!Date}.

I was thinking back on our chat and what you lot said about {!Pain point}. I idea y'all might be interested in checking out this case study on how we helped {!Similar company} reach {!Effect}: {Link to content}

I'd honey to talk over how nosotros tin solve {!Pain point} together. Do you have time this week to jump on a xv minute telephone call?

Regardless, it was great meeting you and I look frontward to connecting at time to come events.

{!Sign off}

cursor-click Track your follow-ups Know when recipients read your emails, click on links, and view attachments

How Do Yous Write a Follow-Up Email?

Every follow-up electronic mail yous ship is another step in a direct outreach sequence. Like your initial cold email, it has one job: to get your prospect to accept action.

Studies take plant that almost l% of responses to outreach campaigns come from follow-up emails. Put another fashion, you can effectively double your response rate with effective follow-ups.

Craft Compelling Subject Lines

Your discipline line can make or suspension your electronic mail. It's the kickoff thing your recipient sees. And a great subject line tin can bulldoze open rates of up to 87%.

The near effective subject lines accomplish two goals at once. They present a clear benefit to the reader, while also building curiosity for what'south to come up in the message. Great subject lines tease the message content without giving as well much away.

Check out how these top-performing subject field lines did it:

  • Interact? 👊
  • We prepare the stage for {!Company} to exist the talk of {!Location}
  • {!Benefit} for {!Visitor}

Provide Context

Decision-makers accept a lot going on. And peculiarly if they haven't responded to you still, they might not recall who you are.

The last thing you want is for your prospect to get your message and think, "who'due south that?"

When yous start your message, make certain readers know who you are and why you lot're reaching out. Refer back to your last indicate of contact to give context to your message.

Personalize Your Message

Now that you've gotten readers into your bulletin, you want to be as relevant and personal as you can.

Prospects are real people, and they want to be treated that way. They want to see that you've taken the time to larn nearly the pain points they're facing and demonstrate that y'all understand their business. By taking these steps, you begin to build a relationship and show how yous could be a bang-up partner for them in the future.

Go along to Deliver Value

Constructive follow-ups don't enquire your prospect for something. They evidence your prospect what yous tin can practise for them.

That'due south the correct approach to take in your initial outreach email. And every bit you send follow-ups, you lot should go on to focus on demonstrating the value y'all tin provide to your prospect.

One of the best means to deliver value is by sharing content that'due south relevant to your reader's challenges.

Take a wait at how the team at Freshworks nurtures leads while continuing to evangelize value:

follow up email template sample

Continue It Short

Your follow-upward email templates should exist brusk.


Decision-makers are busy. And they don't take time to read lengthy emails. If they open up your message and see a wall of text, they'll likely motility on — or worse yet, hit delete.

Keep in heed that writing brusk, simple emails isn't but virtually brevity. It'due south about readability. Take steps to brand your message easy to motion through quickly.

  • Use lists and bullet points to make your message easily skimmable
  • Put of import takeaways in boldface blazon
  • Avoid unnecessary information or detail

Make It Piece of cake To Say Yes

As with all outreach emails, you desire to make it as piece of cake as possible for your reader to say yes. That means taking a close expect at your CTA.

The close is where many outreach emails go wrong. Fifty-fifty if you've written a great subject line and a compelling message, a weak CTA will kill your reply rates.

Fortunately, keeping a few basic guidelines in mind makes it easy to write strong CTAs.

  • Focus on the relationship. While it's tempting to go for the sale correct away, information technology isn't effective. Prospects desire to go to know y'all first before they commit to a deal. Showtime with a smaller request that moves your relationship forward, like sending a short video or getting on a quick call.
  • Make a crystal-articulate ask. Quite frankly, it's difficult for prospects to answer if they don't know what you want. Avoid vague, hesitant CTAs like Let me know what y'all think, and be articulate on the adjacent step you want your prospect to take.
  • Don't ask for likewise much. Clarity is corking. Putting work on your prospect is not. Making demands of your prospect'due south fourth dimension or effort is the quickest way to get to the trash folder. Instead, brand an ask that sounds easy. Close with a simple question or share a resource your prospect can review quickly.

At present that you know what a great follow-up looks like, it'due south time to think nearly how to create your follow-up sequence.

Planning Your Follow-Up Sequence

Since most sales deals crave multiple follow-ups to go to a close, having one or two follow-up templates in your back pocket won't cut it. You need a well-idea-out follow-up sequence you lot can ship consistently to assistance motility more of your prospects toward the sale.

Here's how to plan yours.

Timing Your Sequence

Timing is disquisitional. In virtually industries, it makes sense to program a sequence with frequent touches at starting time, transitioning to longer intervals as time goes on.

The Start Twenty-four hours

Since every bit many as 50% of buyers choose the vendor that gets dorsum to them first, being responsive early on in the sales cycle is crucial. Specially when you're reaching out to a warm atomic number 82, you'll typically want to send the start follow-upwardly email within a solar day of your initial contact.

If you're touching base later an initial coming together, this is a bang-up time to ship a brusk, simple follow-up.

The key with the first follow-up is a calorie-free impact. Consider sending a summary of your initial meeting and confirmation of next steps, or a simple note to thank your prospect for their time.

The Adjacent Three Weeks

Over the adjacent 3 weeks, proceed to send regular follow-ups until you get a response.

Recollect, by doing this, you're not being abrasive. You're demonstrating that you're a proactive, client-focused professional — which is exactly what your prospect will typically be looking for.

At this point, the cardinal is to strike the right balance. Following upwards every three to four days is a sweet spot that enables yous to stay top of mind and go along to deliver value, without making your prospect feel irritated.

Staying In Touch

If you've sent five or half-dozen emails over a three-week bridge and haven't gotten a response, you tin confidently conclude that at present isn't the right time for this prospect.

Not at present doesn't mean non ever. It simply means this isn't your prospect's focus correct now. Fifty-fifty if they're not interested in moving forrad at present, in 3 months, they may exist eager to have a chat with y'all.

Dial dorsum your message frequency, and continue to attain out to your prospect every few weeks. Focus on delivering value now by sharing relevant content your prospect volition exist interested in and so that afterwards you'll be viewed as a knowledgeable partner when the fourth dimension comes to discuss a sale.

Vary Your Send Times

One of the easiest ways to meliorate your follow-up email operation is to start sending emails on dissimilar days and at dissimilar times throughout the mean solar day.

Your prospects are unlike — and they have different routines for when they check and respond to email. If you send follow-ups consistently on Monday mornings at x, you could be missing prospects who are frequently out of the office on Mondays or don't check email until late in the day. Sending messages at a variety of different times gives you a better chance of reaching everyone, no matter what their schedule.

Be Consistent

For nigh sales professionals, the hardest thing about sending follow-up emails is simply doing it.

Let's confront it. You've got dozens (or hundreds) of prospects to keep upwardly with. And getting targeted follow-ups out to all of them is a full-time chore in itself.

That'due south where automation is a game-changer.

With a solution like Yesware Campaigns,  you can plan targeted follow-ups that get out to your prospects automatically until y'all get a response. Automation enables you lot to schedule follow-ups in advance, so they go out effortlessly while y'all're having sales meetings with your near promising new prospects.

follow up email: Yesware campaign

chart-bar Automate your follow-up Transport personalized follow-ups at scale

Know When To Terminate

Fifty-fifty if you're using automation to ship targeted follow-ups at scale, you tin can still reach a indicate of diminishing returns.

Yesware'southward study of follow-up emails found that later on the seventh follow-upwardly, response rates drop beneath 10%, making it increasingly unlikely that you lot'll hear back from a prospect.

follow up emails

Sales experts generally agree that with completely common cold prospects, a maximum of half-dozen or seven emails is reasonable. If you haven't heard back by this point, it'southward rubber to assume that the prospect isn't interested and you tin can motion on to more engaged prospects.

With warm prospects, nevertheless, things are different. If y'all've already had contact in the by, it's completely reasonable to continue following upwardly equally many times as you need to get a response. As long as the contact doesn't ask you lot to finish reaching out, this enables you to stay meridian of mind with your prospect then you lot're the person they become to when they're ready for your service.

Optimizing Your Follow-Up Sequence

As you start sending the follow-upwardly e-mail templates in a higher place more consistently, you'll likely start to see more than responses coming in.

And what'south virtually exciting is that this is only the beginning.

Now is the time to take a close expect at your follow-up sequence to see what'south working — and what you can improve. By taking the time to optimize your sequence, you'll generate even more responses and bulldoze more than sales.

Getting familiar with your data is essential. With a tool like Yesware Reporting, you tin can view metrics for all your emails at a glance and rapidly find out which templates are performing best.

follow up email: Yesware Reporting

When information technology comes to leveling upwardly the performance of your follow-ups, yous want to focus on 2 fundamental metrics: your open rates and your reply rates.

Improving Open up Rates

Go along your expectations realistic. For personalized cold electronic mail campaigns, the average open up rate is about 47%.

If you're seeing low open rates, something is happening that'due south preventing prospects from opening your messages. Cheque for common bug like these:

  • Your emails aren't reaching the prospect'southward inbox. Of course, if your emails aren't getting to the inbox, there'due south no manner they'll get read. Brand sure your marketing team is using an electronic mail verification tool to confirm your prospects' electronic mail addresses and avoid mutual triggers that tin get your bulletin flagged as spam.
  • Your discipline line is completely ignorable. Failing to offer value or trigger a sense of marvel can easily cause readers to click over your email. Avoid overused, salesy subject lines like "Quick question?" which tin can immediately trigger resistance in your reader.

Improving Answer Rates

If your messages are being opened, but aren't getting a response, there's likely an effect with the body copy that's preventing prospects from responding. Some of the most common issues include:

  • Your message isn't personalized. While follow-upwardly messages are typically shorter and offer fewer opportunities for personalization, you should withal look to customize your messages as much equally possible. Something equally uncomplicated every bit mentioning a specific hurting point or sharing a relevant resource can help you stand out.
  • You're not focused on your prospect. People don't care virtually yous or your product. They care almost themselves and their ain problems. Focus your message on how y'all can assist your reader, and resist the temptation to talk about yourself or your visitor.
  • Your CTA is asking for too much. We've discussed this earlier, but it bears repeating: your unabridged message should make the reader'due south decision smooth and hassle-gratis so that maxim yes is a no-brainer. If your CTA sounds like it will require time or effort, yous're introducing unnecessary friction. Read your close, and be honest with yourself. Could yous brand a simpler ask?

Avoid These Mistakes When Writing a Follow Up

Leaving Your Prospect in the Dark

Never leave your prospect in the dark. Showtime, ever make sure your follow-upwardly email is on the same thread as your initial bulletin.

And second, reiterate exactly what you're post-obit upwardly virtually to quickly jog their retentivity. Keep it short and to the point — two sentences or less. For instance:

Hi George — I wanted to circumvolve back on my email below re: setting Yesware up with a free trial. Are you free for a xv minute call this week?

Hiding Central Elements in Long Text

It'southward piece of cake to get carried away when writing follow-upward emails; y'all're trying to engage the prospect, stand up out, and spark conversation. While all of these elements are important to comprise in your follow-ups, make certain the text isn't smothering the main reason behind your e-mail.

Ensure your inquire is articulate then the prospect immediately knows why you're reaching out.

You can do this by using assuming words and bullet points in your emails to draw their attention to the important information.

use bold text in your follow up email templates

use bullet points in your follow up emails

Not Using Enough Personalization in Your Follow-Ups

The almost crucial error y'all can make in your follow-up emails is not personalizing your message enough. Studies consistently prove that personalized emails perform significantly improve than not-personalized emails.

And no, chore title and company name aren't plenty. Apply unique pieces of personalization to aid y'all stand out from the crowd and engage recipients.

Sales Follow Up Statistics

In a recent study conducted by Yesware, we institute some valuable sales follow-up statistics to help shape your strategy.

Let's look at a couple of our favorites.

The All-time Follow-Upwardly Cadence

To find the best cadence for your follow-up strategy (number of follow-ups and time between each email), we looked at 10 1000000 email threads sent past salespeople.

We found that the most successful follow-upwardly cadence based on replies is approximately 6 touches in the span of roughly three weeks.

The nautical chart below shows the boilerplate follow-upwardly cadence used past reps who received replies vs. those who didn't.

average follow-up email cadence What the data tells us:

  • Follow-up #1: 3 days
  • Follow-up #2:7 days
  • Follow-upwardly #3:11 days
  • Follow-up #4:fifteen days
  • Follow-upwardly #5:19 days
  • Follow-up #6:22 days

According to the data, yous should spread your follow-ups out by roughly three to four days. The data also indicates that waiting more than iv days typically decreases your chances of getting a reply.

When to Send Your Follow-Upwards Emails

We recommend you endeavor unlike times for your follow-ups and measure the success of each.

Just to help atomic number 82 you in the right management, this is what our data tells united states about the all-time time to transport email based on answer rates.

the best time to send your follow-up email based on reply rate

What the data tells us:

  • The best time to send an is i PM.
  • The 2nd-best time is 11 AM.
  • Depression reply volume exists between the fourth dimension of 8 PM-7 AM.
  • In that location's a sudden incline in respond volume when returning from lunch (12 PM-1 PM).
  • Overall, your ideal time blocks for electronic mail outreach are 1-3 PM and 9-11 AM.

Now, take this data and test it for yourself.

Endeavor sending your emails and follow-ups at the most active fourth dimension periods and run into if you lot go a boost in replies. Brand sure to track your emails so you tin can see if recipients are opening your emails in the kickoff place.

The 24 Hour Rule

One of our favorite findings from this written report is that sales reps who follow upwards inside a day encounter a higher respond rate.

The information indicates that sales reps who follow up within a solar day of their initial outreach receive nigh a 25% reply rate on average.

first follow-up timing breakdown

To clarify, nosotros don't recommend sending subsequent emails day after day. But for your first follow-up email, sending this bulletin within 24 hours tin increase your chances of getting a reply.


Consider what a strong follow-upwards game says about you.

You're showing that yous're a proactive, client-focused professional person who's committed to helping your prospect solve their toughest business challenges.

And past continuing to evangelize value, you naturally position yourself as the person they'll go to when they're ready for the auction.

Take time to start building out your follow-up email templates and sequence this week — and if you already have a strategy in identify, look for ways to extend and improve what you already take.

Showtime sending more than follow-ups, and earlier long you'll exist amazed at the results!

This guide was updated on Apr fourteen, 2022.
